male to female Tokyo trans

Curious about where you can meet transgender in Tokyo? In this guide, I’ll share how you can navigate the local trans scene of the city.

That includes info on trans friendly bars, clubs, and events along with the general reception of people towards the trans community.

But just a heads up that finding trans in Tokyo may take some time because most people aren’t publicly open about their gender identity.

And another issue is that English proficiency is low in Japan. This makes finding transsexuals challenging for those who don’t speak the local language.

But whether you want to meet T’s for dating or something casual, there are several ways both online and offline.

So read along as we help you explore some of your options in more detail.

List of TG Friendly Venues in Tokyo

Let’s start by finding where to find TS at night and then let’s move to daytime common meeting places as well as trans friendly sites and apps.

1) NightClubs And Bars

Ni-Chome district in Shinjuku is Tokyo’s “official” gay and lesbian district. And it’s safe to say that it’s also popular among the T’s.

Note that ts bars are often referred to as “onabe bars” across Japan. These are exclusive FTM bars (Female to Male) so don’t get confused.

You’ll also find a few MTF bars (Male to Female) in Tokyo but for some reason, they’re not as common.

Anyway, here’s a list of clubs and bars that cater to both male and female transgender in Tokyo.

Arty Farty – This is a queer club in Ni-Chome. This venue stands out because it’s often visited by foreign trans folks. So if you can’t speak Japanese, this is the place to go.

Onnanoko Club – This bar in Ni-Chome is unique in a way that all of its staff are male-born crossdressers.

They can also dress you up as a woman and do your makeup if you’re into it, but obviously, it will cost money.

Needless to say, this is one of the best places to meet trans women in Tokyo.

2’s Cabin – An FTM bar located in Ni-Chome. But this video featuring the bar’s owner, Masaki-San, mentions that they also welcome straight customers.

Another thing, if you’re a foreigner, then before you visit a bar, be sure to check if it’s gaijin friendly. Because some places in Tokyo do not allow tourists due to culture shock.

But don’t worry because all of the trans venues we’ve listed above allow gaijins.

Lastly, another area with LGBT bars is Roppongi. But based on this Reddit comment, it has plenty of drunk tourists, so be careful.

2) Social Organizations

There are a couple of social organizations that host LGBTQ+ events across Tokyo. Joining them is a great way to socialize with the transgender community.

One of the most popular organizations is Stonewall. While the majority of their events are held in Sendai, you can contact them through their site to learn about upcoming events in Tokyo or nearby areas.

They also have a Facebook group by the name of Stonewall Japan where you can directly connect with the members. But getting into the group as a tourist may take some time.

3) Pride Centers

Trannny in the pride center

Pride Centers are undeniably one of the best places to meet transsexuals.

And consider yourself lucky because Tokyo has Pride House, the only LGBTQ+ community center of its kind in Japan.

The venue attracts both locals and foreigners, making it a great place to potentially network with transsexuals.

4) University LGBT Societies

This option is exclusively for students who do not want to plunge into the night scene of Ni-Chome.

You can perhaps seek out universities that have a positive stance and support towards LGBT issues.

From what I know, Waseda University and ICU (International Christan University) are both solid choices.

These universities are likely to have LGBT-related societies and events that can act as a great way to network with the trans community.

5) Cafes

There are a few cosplay cafes as well as regular cafes around the city that employ transgenders.

My favorite ones are:

AiiRO Café – Primarily a gay bar in Ni-Chome but it’s quite popular among the trans community in Tokyo.

You’ll find both trans men and women at this place. And it’s also a hotspot among crossdressers.

NewType – This cosplay cafe is located in Akihabara, an area tolerant forward trans people.

As you can see in the video below, it’s a regular cafe except the waitresses are male dressed as women:

6) Trans Dating Sites

It’s hard to meet trans people offline if you don’t speak Japanese. The best way for foreigners to find local trans people who speak English is to use a popular dating site among the international crowd.

One of those is Transgender Date, a trans friendly dating site for serious relationships.

For something more casual, check out TS Match. This site is all about casual dating.

7) Tokyo Rainbow Pride

You can also join the Tokyo Rainbow Pride to socialize with the trans community of Tokyo.

It’s held in Yoyogi Park and is one of the largest LGBTQ-related events in Asia.

The only problem is that this Tokyo Pride Parade event is hosted in April so you have to be in the city around that time.

But with over 200,000 attending it every year, you’re bound to find trans folks in them.

Tokyo Rainbow Pride

What It’s Like to Be Transgender in Tokyo

The perception of trans people in Japan largely depends on age and appearance, to be honest.

If you begin transitioning in your early twenties or if you can pass as your desired gender, you will generally be treated as such.

And even if you don’t meet those criteria, it’s unlikely that you will face open mockery on the streets.

But some people might pass insensitive remarks or ask stupid questions from time to time.

That’s mainly because the locals of Tokyo and Japan in general, are a bit socially conservative and lack understanding of common LGBT+ issues.

As a result, many trans individuals don’t disclose their gender identity to avoid the headache of explaining things.

Another issue is that the media representation of trans folks in Japan is highly problematic.

They often show trans characters as “okama” which means “crossdresser” which we know isn’t the same.

And some people also see this word as a derogatory slur equalling to “tranny” so you don’t want to use it in your social interactions.

Common Questions From The Trans Community

Can trans people visit onsens (hot springs) in Tokyo?

Unless you’re a post-op trans, a public onsen is a no-go. The safer choice is to stick with private onsens called “kashikiri buro” in Japanese. Knowing this word will certainly make finding them easier.

What are some trans terminologies to avoid in Tokyo?

Here’s a list of some terminologies that you should avoid using in front of transgender in Tokyo:

  • Okama – It means crossdresser, but some people also consider it to be a derogatory slur.
  • Otoko no ko – Used for extremely feminine males or femboys.
  • Newhalf – This term is equivalent to shemale in English and is considered to be offensive.

What is the Japanese name for ladyboy?

Nyūhāfu is a word that combines “new” and “half”. It translates to ladyboy, shemale, or tranny in English. It’s an offensive term that you should never use in your social interactions.

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